Atlas’ Approach to ESG

Atlas’ sustainability approach is founded on acknowledging our responsibilities through managing the effects of our companies’ operations on both the environment and society.

Our ESG Program is designed to build on Seaspan and APR’s strong foundation and capture the many initiatives that have been implemented in our companies and provide a structured approach to continuous improvement and sustainable operations.

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Our ESG Pillars


We ensure our business is aligned with a net zero Green-House Gas (GHG) emission agenda and manage the impact of our operations on the ecosystem and biodiversity.


We hold true to the principle of “our people are our greatest asset” and want to empower our people and create a healthy, safe, and diverse workplace.


Our companies operate based on ethical practices, accountability, transparency, and compliance.

ESG has been firmly embedded in our vision, mission, and our employees’ daily work across the group. As the leader in the container shipping and mobile power sectors, our long-term market leadership and success are built on the foundation of sustainability in everything we do and for everyone in our company.

– Bing Chen
   President and CEO of Atlas Corp.

Our Five Key Competencies

Atlas’ Five Key Competencies constitute the foundation of our business operations, guiding how we run our companies across business cycles and towards our strategic objectives. These competencies are consistently nurtured and enable high-performance execution across our businesses.

  • Consistent Operational Excellence
  • Creative Customer Partnerships
  • Solid Financial Strength
  • Quality Growth
  • Disciplined Capital Allocation